型號: 3way canvas rucksack Black
庫存狀態: 代購貨品 - 約需三周左右到貨

Body size Length: 45.5 cm / width 40 cm / Machiko Kyo 22 cm 
Bert says Shoulder strap, backpack shoulder strap size: minimum approximately 53.5 cm ~ maximum 99 cm 
(If * backpack with 2 shoulder strap length * 1 fittings not included) approximately 3.7 cm / wide 
Hand support belt sizes: minimum length 24 cm ~ maximum 40.5 cm / approx. 3.7 cm in width (excluding * fitting length) 
Pocket size Main body opening ZIP size (at the top): approx. 28 cm 
Main body opening ZIP size (side): 42 cm 
Open Pocket: pen Pocket × 2 Smartphone for Pocket x 1 place the ZIP Pocket 1, 
Décor 2 pockets size: length approximately 12 cm / width 23 cm 
Interior ZIP pocket size: 23.5 cm 
Weight Approx. 1000 g 
Material Wash canvas and white compound leather

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